Sunday, September 6, 2009


Good Grief - it's been SO busy at the pawn shop that I have not had time to update what's new on the shelf - some things sell the same day, so.......if you don't see an update, you might want to stop in so you don't miss a bargain.............

OK - New on the Shelf:

1. Tools galore - new feature on the shelf - individual tools to search through - $1.00 each or 2 for $1.50.
2. Sharp Microwave - Black - $25.00
3. Clarinet in case - $75.00
4. Memorex Stereo - $25.00
5. Apex DVD Player - $25.00
6. Kero World Kerosene Floor Heater - $55.00
7. Phillips DVD Surround Sound - $150.00
8. Sony Car Stereo - $60.00
9. Skil Saw - $25.00
10. Black & Decker Bit Set - $8.00
11. Guitar Hero Complete - $60.00
12. Guitar Hero Drumset - $40.00
13. XBox 360 Controller - $10.00
14. PS2 Controller - $5.00
15. Playstation One Controller - $3.00
16. Fishing Poles & Reels - variety
17. Knives - variety including boxed sets
18. Springfield XD 45 - $475.00

I have a list of jewelry put out, but I want to write down some details, sizes, etc. before posting. I'll try to get the jewelry on by mid week.

E-Z PAWN$ will be closed Monday, September 7th, in observance of Labor Day. We will reopen Tuesday morning.

Thanks for your interest!!!!!!

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