Thought I would run down our current TV inventory - had to update this before publishing because we sold one!!
This one is for that special little girl - it is a 20" with VHS & DVD player - all in one!! Pink remotes (2) included. $150.00
This one would look great in your living room, den, wherever you want to relax and watch an HD super clear picture. A Samsung 36" flat screen - $475.00

A great buy on this Sanyo 26" TV - $75.00

Apex 36" is a steal at $175.00

Need a good affordable bedroom TV - here is a 20" GE for only $65.00
How about a 15" Vizon Flat Screen with speakers built right in the front for that simulated surround sound - good for that kitchen spot, den, RV - $200.00
This is a great little "on the go" 9" Orion TV complete with cigarette lighter adapter - only $50.00

These last 2 flat screens are excellent quality for a great price - $115 each

So there you go............why pay full retail price when you can get a bargain for a like new item? Makes sense to me in these difficult times, don't you think?